NFL Play by play analysis using Cloudera Impala
In this article we will analyze the NFL play by play dataset. The data consists of each play for all games from 2002 thourgh 2013. It is roughly around 600k rows and hardly qualifies as big data. The main point of this article is to illustrate the use of Cloudera Impala for Big Data anlaysis. … Read more
Connect a sketch and build clickable prototype
With the exciting new Image upload feature, it opens up a bag of goodies. One of the sweet little goodies is the ability to create high fidelity wireframes In this video you can see how easily you import images from your desktop. The web application provides desktop like functionality so you can drag any image … Read more
MockupTiger Introduction Video
Here is a short introduction video that walks through the features and interface
Website prototyping is an important operation which finds wide scale use in the web design and development industry. Playing an important role in establishing the scope, functionality and interface design of a website, these prototypes help provide a planned approach to working for a project. Providing an opportunity to test proposed designs and operational details … Read more