
Mockups and Wireframes

MockupTiger is a web based application that helps you to build fluid wireframes, mockups or prototypes for your next web application or desktop software.

It has a huge collection of Icons, widgets (both for Desktop and Web application) and specially crafted Dashboard Chart Widgets.

MockupTiger is a web based application that you can use with a modern browser and can host it on your own company server or third party hosting provider. You can also use it as a desktop application.


This is the list of icons. We already have the framework to allow users to draw their own vector icons but it won’t be incorporated yet.



The following is a list of Text and Link widgets. If you believe us then let us reveal a secret. All of the text objects below are just single widget. By just changing properties and few flags you can derive one from another. We allow some flexibility when to convert from one type to another but this is just for information.



The following are not sub objects of the paragraph object but then they change in behavior so they are different.


Right now the Gauges shows only two samples but you can derive infinite combinations and can get as fancy as your imagination runs wild. There are other gauges that will come once we launch but not for the beta.


Finally, the core essence of our Dashboard Wireframing widgets.


Although we just have 8 sample line/connectors you can simply drag/pull or poke the lines into any shape. You can even change the shape of the arrow, length of the arrow segments and even the directions. You can have both arrows, single arrow or just no arrow. You can even choose the placement of the text that appears on the arrow. This is one of most the clever implementation of line connectors for mockups.



wireframe for mockuptiger

tiger half