
Install MockupTiger wireframes on MacOS

In this tutorial we will explore the option to install a specially designed download for MacOS.

NOTE: If you are using Windows, Linux, MacOS and have your own setup of a LAMP, XAMPP, WAMP, MAMP or any other stack that has PHP+MySQL running, then you can simply use this barebone method of installing only the wireframe files.

In the following steps, we will simply download a Mac bundle of MockupTiger, unzip and move the files to the application folder. Once copied we start the server process and it will launch MockupTiger editor.

Step by step instructions for installing wireframes on MacOS

  1. Download the zip file containing MockupTiger for Mac (mockuptiger4mac.zip)
  2. Once downloaded and if you double click, the system would uncompress and place the “MAMP” folder in the downloads section
  3. Drag the “MAMP” folder into the “Applications” folder
  4. Please note that the MAMP folder should not be renamed to anything else.
  5. Now double click the “Applications” folder and then double click the MAMP folder (this was just transfered)
  6. Inside the “MAMP” folder, locate the “_start_MockupTiger.command” file
  7. Right click on this file and select “Open”
  8. Make sure you do not double click the first time, instead follow step#8 by right clicking and select ‘Open’
  9. Once you click ‘Open’ it will show a similar dialog box as below
  10. Click ‘Open’ to confirm your action
  11. It will start the server processes (Apache and MySQL)
  12. It will also launch the wireframe URL as http://localhost:8888
  13. The services will keep running until you shutdown or decide to stop the processes.
  14. To stop, locate the “_stop_MockupTiger.command”,  right click and select Open. This will close all MockupTiger processes.