Using the data from The Colorado Department of Education here are some demographic visualizations built using InfoCaptor dashboard
In this dashboard, we just use the enrollment data and try to extract some key observations.
We will build a series of dashboards and try to see if there are any patterns emerging.
Here is the link to the Dashboard
The first graphic is a simple bar chart showing the highly populated school districts in descending order.
The bar chart queries the excel file and dynamically generates the total student population for each school district and then selects only the top 20 in the list. The reason we limit to 20 is because it is not possible to visualize all the school districts at once.
When you click on any school district bar, the pie chart drill down will show the ethnicity split percentage for each school district.
NOTE: The data is available at the school level but we are just showing information at a higher level. If it makes sense we can build a similar dashboard at the school level.
The pie chart shows the student population split for American Indian, White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, Pacific Islander and other ethnicity students.
The green bar chart shows the number of schools for each school district in the first chart.
The third chart shows the student school density (ratio of total students/total schools in that district)
So just by looking at the three charts we quickly see the following points
- Jefferson County has the highest student population = 86000.
- Denver County has the highest number of schools = 164
- Cherry Creek district has the highest student density per school = 907
Now we will try to add more information to our dashboard.
We try to see which school district has the highest population for each ethnicity.
We show them as simple Grids/table list
Based on the above we observe
- Jefferson County has the highest student population = 86000.
- Denver County has the highest number of schools = 164
- Cherry Creek district has the highest student density per school = 907
- Montezuma-Cortez Re-1 has the highest American Indian population = 730
- Jefferson County has the highest White population = 58295
- Denver County has the highest black population = 11452
- Cherry Creek has the highest Asian population = 4270
- Denver county has the highest hispanic population = 47109
- Adams-Aprapahoe has the highest Hawaiian population =178